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graphic designer . storybook illustrator



Weng Nunes

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I'm a graphic designer and storybook Illustrator based in Anini-y, Antique

I explored different media giving me more freedom to express my thoughts through creating drawings and designs.

Graphic Designer

Took the opportunity to study and pass the National Certificate Level 3 for Visual Graphics Design of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) pushed me to change my career.

Changing my elementary teacher to a graphic designer career allowed me to express more of my love for arts and designs.

Storybook Illustrator

Published 3 Storybooks for children both international and national last 2020.

"Strawla, Reyna sang mga Basura", "Ang mga Maskara ni Happy," and "Ang mga Bulawan kang Pinakaurihi nga Datu". Created and designs both characters and covers for each story.


get in touch

Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome!
Contact and visit me through these social media.
Happy to hear it from you!

Social Media: 

  • fb - icon
  • IG
  • pinterest
  • Behance

Louie Nunes Daguison

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Thank you for the visit!

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